Tuesday, October 5, 2021
me ear hurt
Monday, October 4, 2021
Failure. The way to success.
I also enjoy bringing something to talk about. Today we talk about a subject dear to my heart. Failure.
We all are born failures. I think if the human race judged itself by success. We wouldn't exist. We fail more times than we succeed. Thank the gods for our lack of literal sense on that.
The points I brought to the 5 minute talk were the following:
How do you define success?
Success is the outcome of failures. If you have the right mindset.
When you're kid, you don't think about success. You think about doing and a lot of times what you plan in your kid head don't come out right. There's a lot of modifications.
However, when we are older we tend to see failure as a negative outcome. Is it negative? Sure, there's consequences. Did you learn anything from it? And in the learning, what have you gained?
At the end of the day, you either see failure as a learning experience with a good or bad attitude. Probably helps to have a good attitude.
Be happy with the learning you gain from Failure. Apply what you learn. Success, if you survive is attracted by the learning you've done.
Additional notes not spoken at the meeting:
Failure is a constant in a human. That's how we survive or don't in some cases. It is the basis for success.
Failure does not define you. It helps sculpt your character, your wisdom thanks the innovative force of your brain when used with the learning and applying.
A student of life is not afraid of failure. Be excited, like a child to continue learning and growing. Will there be pain, crying and complaining. Certainly. It is part of the human experiment.
Sunday, October 3, 2021
Choose the Light
We all have our demons. Sure. Whatever you want to call them. Either way, you either face them or you don't. It don't matter really. Why? Because it is your life. You decide you want to be miserable or happy. There's no other way around.
Sure, chronic pain, some other things going that make you question existence, sure, there is all kinds. However, here you are. So, either keep moving forward or not. That's your decision.
Everyday I choose the light. A ritual of sorts. My demons are always ready to go. So, I make a commitment to choose the light. Everyday. That helps me focus on what and how I'm going to operate during the day. A mission statement on the go.
The idea that a person is just going to one day stop fucking up and start having some discipline well, that takes quite a bit of effort. So, better to start with baby steps.
Some people make their beds, some get up and take a cold shower and others like me, make a commitment to serve. We choose the light.
Build on it. Once you start seeing yourself as an agent of the light then, you start asking yourself what are you doing with your life? Does it reflect what you're committing to being?
Other questions that a mind seeking discipline and growth might ask:
Who am I?
What's my purpose?
Am I living to my purpose, honor, values?
That should wake up the brain to think about ... what the hell is honor? Do I have a purpose? Have I ever thought about having a purpose besides getting up, going to work, complaining about the commute, the work and whatever else.
In other words, one small seed growing in a good brain can become a mighty tree of thought, purpose, feelings and emotions. In time. Patience. Breathe.
You are here for a reason no matter what some say. You are. You matter. Your choices matter.
Yesterday choices well, you get to live with the consequences of those past choices.
Today is a brand new day to stop to think, to slow the steam roller, to calculate, to choose differently.
How many good choices can you make in a day? I don't know. Why not challenge yourself to think first.
Saturday, October 2, 2021
what are you willing to do?
Friday, October 1, 2021
I get angry.
I speak sharply.
I do something stupid.
I get angry.
I speak sharply.
I do something stupid.
A friend talks to me and asks why not question meself with the basics: Why am I upset? Is there a better way? What should I do next time?
I get angry.
I speak sharply.
I do something stupid.
I roughly ask the basic questions.
I ruminate.
I get angry.
I speak sharply.
I do something stupid.
I roughly ask the basic questions.
I ruminate.
I get angry.
I speak sharply.
I avoid confrontation.
I surprise meself.
I have taken action and it feels good.
I apologize.
Little bit by little bit we become better. Allow your brain to help you. (I had good friends along the way that talked straight up. They was a good fertilizer to my growing mind.)
me ear hurt
My ear hurts. Started this morning. I worked and helped as usual. I thought it might go away. It didn't. Now that I'm going to bed i...